Friday, February 16, 2024


Dynamics 365 FO Lifecycle: Navigating DEV SIT UAT PREPROD PRODUCTION Environments - SDLC


In the Dynamic world of ERP, mastering the lifecycle of software development is crucial for ensuring seamless operations and maximizing efficiency. This approach not only streamlines the deployment of new features and customizations but also significantly reduces the risk of disruptions to critical business processes, setting the stage for operational excellence and innovation.

Here’s a brief overview of each stage:

Development (DEV): This is where new features, customizations, and fixes are built. It's primarily used by developers.

System Integration Testing (SIT): In this environment, the developed features are deployed to test their interaction with other modules and third-party systems. It's focused on identifying and fixing integration issues.

User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Here, end-users test the new functionalities to ensure they meet business requirements. This stage is crucial for obtaining user approval before moving changes to production.

Pre-Production (PreProd): This environment mirrors the production environment as closely as possible and is used for final testing and training without affecting the live system. It's the last step before deployment where performance and security can be tested in a production-like environment.

Production (Prod): This is the live environment where all business operations are conducted. Changes are deployed here only after thorough testing in the previous stages.

This cycle ensures that by the time changes reach the production environment, they have been thoroughly developed, tested, and approved, minimizing the risk of disruptions to business operations. However, the exact names and number of environments can vary between organizations based on their specific requirements, size, and complexity of the implementation. Some organizations might include additional stages or merge some based on their project management methodologies.

I hope this blog of DynamicsCommunity101 helped you learn Dynamics 365 FO Lifecycle: Navigating DEV SIT UAT PREPROD PRODUCTION Environments - SDLC