Sunday, October 31, 2021

Overriding in D365 FO

 class Point


    // Instance fields.

    real x;

    real y;

    // Constructor to initialize fields x and y.

    void new(real _x, real _y)


        x = _x;

        y = _y;


    void write()


        info("(" + any2Str(x) + ", " + any2Str(y) + ")");



class ThreePoint extends Point


    // Additional instance fields z. Fields x and y are inherited.

    real z;

    // Constructor is overridden to initialize z.

    void new(real _x, real _y, real _z)


        // Initialize the fields.

        super(_x, _y);

        z = _z;


    void write()


        info("(" + any2Str(x) + ", " + any2Str(y) + ", " + any2Str(z) + ")");



// Code that creates Point objects and calls the write method.

Point point2 = new Point(1.0, 2.0);

Point point3 = new ThreePoint(3.0, 4.0, 5.0);


// Output is "(1.0, 2.0)".


// Output is "(3.0, 4.0, 5.0)".
