Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Create access token from c sharp code and get it in dynamics 365 FO

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Net.Http;

namespace AY_AccessToken
    public class ClassAccessToken
        private static string clientId = "2539b54-0891-4aad-99a6";
        private static string clientSecret = "H18Q~DntOA9aQX";
        private static string resource = "https://10devadevaos.axcloud.dynamics.com";
        private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();

        public static string GetAccessToken()
            var content = new StringContent($"grant_type=client_credentials&client_id={clientId}&client_secret={clientSecret}&resource={resource}");
            content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
            var response = httpClient.PostAsync("https://login.microsoftonline.com/bacbd475-b9da-43fa/oauth2/token", content).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var result = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            string accessToken = result.Split(':')[1].Split(',')[0].Replace("\"", "");

            string search = "\"access_token\":\"";
            int start = result.IndexOf(search) + search.Length;
            int end = result.IndexOf("\"", start);
            string accessTokenFinal = result.Substring(start, end - start);
            return accessTokenFinal;

Dynamics 365 F&O code to get the token:

using AY_AccessToken;
internal final class RunnableClass1
    public static void main(Args _args)
        str accessToken;
        accessToken = ClassAccessToken::GetAccessToken();

Friday, August 11, 2023

Aggregate dimensions and aggregate measurements in Dynamics 365 FO

Aggregate dimensions and aggregate measurements in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) are components used within reporting and analytics.

Aggregate Dimensions: These are attributes or characteristics that allow data to be categorized and grouped. They are typically used to filter or slice data within reports. For example, an aggregate dimension might be a product category, region, or salesperson. By using these dimensions, you can summarize and analyze data in a way that makes sense for your organization.

Aggregate Measurements: These refer to the actual data values that are being summarized and analyzed. Aggregate measurements include things like total sales, quantity sold, or profit margins. They are typically used in conjunction with aggregate dimensions to provide a comprehensive view of the data. Aggregate measurements can be viewed in various summaries such as sums, averages, counts, etc.

In Dynamics 365 F&O, both components play an essential role in creating powerful and insightful reports. Aggregate dimensions provide the framework for viewing data, while aggregate measurements provide the actual content being analyzed. Together, they enable users to tailor reports and analytics to meet specific business needs and objectives.

Youtube video : Link

Entity store : Link

BYOD : Link

CloudFronts : Link

Efficient Data Reporting and Analysis : Link

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Enqueue and Dequeue in Dynamics 365 FO


Sending data from another system to Dynamics 365 F&O. When data needs to be transferred to Dynamics 365 F&O, it's placed into a queue (enqueued), awaiting processing within the Dynamics system.


Sending data from Dynamics 365 F&O to another system. After the data has been processed within Dynamics 365 F&O, it can be removed from the queue (dequeued) and sent to another system as needed.

So in summary:

Enqueue is related to receiving data into Dynamics 365 F&O.

Dequeue is related to sending data from Dynamics 365 F&O to another system.

Link to understand Enqueue and Dequeue

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How to create a logic app in azure to move files in SFP from one folder to another

Go to Azure portal : Azure

You will see window like below

Click on "Create a resource"

A new window will open, there search for "Logic apps", as shown below

Now new window will come like below, select create > Logic App

Now new window will come like below

Enter the resource group, logic app name, select the region, select the plan type as consumption

Now click next > Next, you will see a window like below

Click on create

Deployment will take some time, now go to the resource
The moment you will go to resource, Logic app designer will be opened automatically like below

Go downwards and click on 'Blank logic app'

Logic app designer will open like below

Search for appropriate triggers, in my case I will be searching for "Recurrence"
Select the icon shown below

after that select Recurrence again as shown below

New window will open like below

Set in the parameters acc to your need, I will be setting Once a day
Now click on Next step, a window will open like below, where you can select actions

Now select variables, and select in "Initialize variable" like below

Now fill in the name of the variable and type like shown below

Now you may rename the action as well, as shown below

Now do the same for "To path" variable as shown below

Now add an action and 'SFTP' and select 'List files in folder', as shown below

you will see something like below

In my case I have already setup the SFP connection, but you can also setup like below

Fill in the connection name, host server address, username and password (click on disable SSH host key validation) if you are using username and password

Now save the connection and make it as default

Now click on the Folder, a lookup will come like below

Selected 'From path' from the variables, final should look like below

Now click on, New step and  search for 'For each' in control

Now select the 'body', as shown below

Rename the 'For each' to 'Move to each file' and Now the logic app should look like below

Now select an action inside the loop, now search for condition and select like shown below

Now condition action will be added, there you can select Name in the condition as shown below

expression should look like below

Now in the true side, search for SFTP and select "Copy file" as shown below

Now the copy file action should look like below

the 1st expression in the Destination file path is utcNow('yyyy')
and the 2nd expression in the Destination file path is utcNow('MM')

Now below that action add an action 'Delete file' as shown below

Now configure the Delete file action like below
