Monday, November 7, 2022

How to do Metadata search in D365 F&O

The visual studio provides the ability to find the code or object properties(Table, Forms, Data entity) that meet specific criteria.

For example, you want to find a modified field method that is written in any class which is written by using a chain of command in D365. Using the Metadata search, you can easily find the list of examples available in D365.

The metadata search is available in the Visual Studio menu Dynamics D365

It will open a metadata search form where you can search using the filter options to get the desired results. You can get help with filter and filter syntax by opening the drop-down menu in the search box.

code: – search for a specific code.

type: – filter the elements by type.

model: – filter the elements by model.

name: – filter the elements by name.

property: search for elements with the property with the specific value.

Below are few examples:

Find method in Table

type:table,method name:insert

Find method in Data Entity

type:dataentityview,method name:postTargetProcess

code:”NumberSeq” Type:DataEntityView

Find method name which belongs to the Test model in a class

type:class,method name:modifiedField Model:Test

Find the keyword used in the method of any class

code:”onValidatedField” Type:Class

Find table property

type:table,table property:”tableGroup=Main”

type:table,table property:”tableGroup=Parameter”

Find form control property within the form

type:formcontrol property:type=ReferenceGroup

type:form property:formtemplate=DetailPage

Find Table Relation

type:table,tableRelation name:LogisticsLocation_FK

type:table,tableRelation name:PostalAddress_FK

Note: Make sure there should not any space in between Type values otherwise it will show an "Invalid query" error.