Share the data of a table using soap services
In our case let's create a table DAP_Worker with the fields Name, Phone, Address
Now create a class "GITSWorkerList"
class GITSWorkerList
Name Name;
Name Phone;
Name Address;
public Name Name(Name _Name = Name)
Name = _Name;
return Name;
public Name Phone(Name _Phone = Phone)
Phone = _Phone;
return Phone;
public Name Address(Name _Address = Address)
Address = _Address;
return Address;
Now create a service class "GITSWorkerService"
class GITSWorkerService
public list PublicWorker(DataAreaId _company)
List WorkerList = new List(Types::Class);
GITSWorkerList GITSWorkerList;
PurchRFQCaseTable RFQCaseTable;
DAP_Worker DAP_Worker;
while select DAP_Worker
GITSWorkerList= new GITSWorkerList();
return WorkerList;
Now create a service "GITSWorkerService"
Set the external name "GITSWorkerService"
And Description "Worker"
And class name property "GITSWorkerService"
[Note: Soap > XML]
Now create a service operation in the service and select the method as "PublicWorker" and the name of the operation as same
Now create a service group "GITSWorkerServiceGroup" and set auto-deploy property to "Yes"
Now create a service in the service group "GITSWorkerService" and set the service "GITSWorkerService"
Link to access the service
REST {JSON,XML}access:
Note: OData also comes under REST services
Soap {Only XML}access: