Saturday, May 29, 2021

How to delete a Database using SSMS

 Open SSMS in administrator mode

USE master ;  




Wednesday, May 26, 2021

How to enable disable check Maintenance mode in D365 FO - DEV

Open SSMS in administrator mode

To check current state of Maintenance mode in D365 FO -DEV

select Value from sqlsystemvariables a where a.PARM = 'configurationmode'

[If value is 0, it means It is disabled and vice-versa]

To enable current state of Maintenance mode in D365 FO -DEV

update sqlsystemvariables set VALUE = 1 where PARM = 'configurationmode'

Now you need to restart word wide web service.

To disable current state of Maintenance mode in D365 FO -DEV

update sqlsystemvariables set VALUE = 0 where PARM = 'configurationmode'

Sunday, May 23, 2021

How to delete a model using CMD

Open CMD in administrator mode 

Go to following path :

cd K:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory\Bin

Now write the following command to delete the model

ModelUtil.exe -delete -metadatastorepath="K:\AOSService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -modelname="MODELNAME"

Friday, May 14, 2021

Find run-time errors in SSRS report D365 FO

 Go to start menu

Search for "Event viewer"

you will find something like this

Open this application and go to the path shown in below image

Now search for "AX-SSRSReportViewer" in the Dynamics folder
and open "operational" and look for the error in it
