Activate : When a form receives focus.Returns
boolean data type that specifies whether a form has focus.
CanClose : When aform is closed.specifies
whether you can close the form.The call to the super in the method checks
whether closing the form is a valid action.
Closed : The form is closed.use this method to
check whether the form has been closed.
Close : The form is closed.the call to the
super in this method closes the form window,manages database updates and sets
the closed method to true.
CloseCancel : Use this method to check whether
the form has been closed by a cancel action.the method is set to true if the
form is closed by a cancel action.
CloseOk : The user presses an ok
button.specifies whether the form wasa closed by clicking the ok button.the
call to the super method sets the boolean flag closedok and calls the close
InIt : The form is opened.use the method to
initialize a form.the init method I started immediately after the new method
and creates the run time image of the must call the super method if
you override this methpd and you should add your code before the super call.
Run : The form is opened.Call the run method
immediately after the init method.The call to the super method makes the form
window appear on the screen and performs a database search for the data to be
displayed in the form.
Method Flow Init->Run